I discuss how to implement practical AtomPub servers, which can correctly connect to various clients, by using Catalyst::Controller::Atompub. In my talk, AtomPub will be re-defined as a kind of RESTful API, and examined thoroughly. Many good/bad know-hows are presented based on the AtomPub Interop results. My talk will be made in Japanese, but silds are written in English.
Catalyst::Controller::Atompub を題材に,多くのクライアントと正しく接続できる AtomPub サーバの作り方を紹介します.まず,REST における AtomPub の位置づけや,AtomPub を使うべき (あるいは避けるべき) サービスについて整理します.そして,AtomPub Interop を振り返りながら,"つながる AtomPub サーバ" を実装するノウハウ (注意点) を紹介します.