YAPC::Asia 2009

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YAPC::Asia 2009 is brought to you by Japan Perl Association, and will take place Sep 10-11, 2009 in Tokyo, JAPAN. The venue will be Tokyo Institute of Technology.

Courses are available! Learn about Moose, Scalability with DBIx::Class and MySQL, and Perl/Unicode/Ajax!

If you have never signed up for YAPC via Act, please do so here. Otherwise, you can simply use your regular Act account to signin.

Photos on ficia.com

We've uploaded photos from YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2009 on ficia.com, a new photo-sharing service by etolabo.com. Incidentally, three of our YAPC speakers are from etolabo.com!

You can find the pictures here: http://yapcasia2009.ficia.com. Please contact info at perlassociation.org if you have any problems with the uploaded pictures.

Slides from YAPC::Asia 2009

Thanks to our session speakers, we are now gather slides for our sessions for YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2009. From the schedule page, you can check out each session and their corresponding slides, if they are available.

To the speakers, thank you all!

YAPC::Asia was a success! Videos are being edited

Thanks for all those who came to YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2009! There were a few things we could have done better, but overall, I believe the outcome was excellent. I see a bunch of positive blog entries about it.

The videos of the sessions are currently being edited, hopefully we can do something about them by the end of September.

Meanwhile, if you haven't done so, please fill our questionnaire

Today's Lightning Talks

  • ‎Top Tens Of 2008-2009‎ 16:50 ‎
  • args.pm - a brand new argument validator 16:55 ‎
  • hacking ngnix‎ 17:00 ‎
  • Mojo / Mojolicious hookout‎ 17:05 ‎
  • Hoppyではじめよう リアルタイムweb 17:10 ‎
  • Pure Perl Open Fastladder‎ 17:15 ‎
  • CPAN realtime feed‎ 17:20
  • IRC HTTP Stream 17:25

Please fill out our questionnaire!

Please take a little time to fill out our questionnaire! http://tinyurl.com/yapcasia2009q

Today's Lightning Talks

Since I can't post on twitter, here's today's LT list:

  • Moose Hacking Guide 18:00
  • Perl で Salesforce 18:05
  • Webアプリケーションフレームワーク Mojoの紹介‎ 18:10
  • args.pm - a brand new argument validator‎ 18:15
  • 通知マニアのための im.kayac.com‎ 18:20
  • miyagawanize‎ 18:25
  • ‎nginxやlighttpdでMogileFSしてみた‎ 18:30
  • ‎Server::Starter - a superdaemon to hot-deploy server programs 18:35
  • nothingmuch 18:40

About Press Attendnce

If you are a member of the press, you are welcome to attend YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2009.

Please send an email to info at perlassociation dot org by 9/7 (JST), with the subject "Press attendance", followed by your media name, and list the company name, division and the names of the people who would like to attend (please limit the number to about 2 people per media)

You also need to bring a business card on the day of the conference. This will be your ticket to enter YAPC.

We will be reserving some seats and some power taps for press. Come and enjoy YAPC !

Booking.com and ContensOne are sponsoring

Booking.com, one of the most influential Perl shops around today, has decided to sponsor YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2009. They will also be giving a talk on 9/10 about what they do and how they use Perl. If you're interested in working with a major Perl shop abroad, you might want to check them out.

Also, ContentsOne, who I met at LLTV, has graciously offered to sponsor us as well. They might give you non-Perl novelties, but don't be rude ;)

Lunch At YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2009

Since there aren't that many places to eat around the YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2009 venue, we will be providing a light lunch (sandwiches) for both 9/10 and 9/11, free of charge.

We have vegetarian sandwiches, too!

Older announcements


Brought To You By

YAPC Sponsors

  • O'Reilly Japan
  • Contents One
  • Six Apart
  • Booking.com
  • Fractalist
  • 募集中

Media Sponsors (50音順)

  • @IT
  • O'Reilly Japan
  • gihyo.jp
  • Shoeisha
  • 募集中

JPA Platinum Sponsors

  • S2 Factory
  • endeworks
  • GaiaX
  • DeNA
  • mixi
  • livedoor

JPA Gold Sponsors

JPA Silver Sponsors

  • Adjust
  • Intfloat
  • KDDI Web Communications
  • Seesaa Co. Inc.
  • Six Apart
  • Paperboy & co
  • Plugin and Core
  • Mobile Factory

JPA Bronze Sponsors

  • Soffritto
  • wadit