YAPC::Asia 2009


By Shawn Moore (‎sartak‎) from Tsukuba.pm
Date: Monday, 14 September 2009 09:00
Duration: 400 minutes
Language: English
Tags: moose oop roles types

You can find more information on the speaker's site:

(English follows Japanese)


2009年9月14日 9時入場 9:15開始 終日

研修費: 40,000円

Moose全般について、対話による実践的な研修です。 Mooseは、Perl5のオブジェクト指向システムで、拡張性のあるメタモデルの上に、シンプルな記述を可能にするするレイヤを提供します。

Mooseは、サブルーチンを書かずに簡単なクラスを作ることができ、複雑なクラスを簡潔にできます。属性値の定義、型制約や型強制、before, a
fter, around などのメソッド修飾子、ロールなど含む強力な機能があります。CPANのMooseX系モジュール群に見られるようにMooseの拡張関連はとても活気があります。 この研修では Moose のコア機能を取り上げ、メタモデルを試し、CPANで利用できるMooseX系モジュールを散策します。




Send kenshu@perlassociation.org an email to apply for this course.

Date: September 14, starting at 9:15.

Cost: 40,000 yen (approx $421 USD)


Introduction to Moose, a Modern OO System for Perl

This will be an interactive hands-on course all about Moose. Moose is an OO system for Perl 5 that provides a simple declarative layer of "sugar" on top of a powerful, extensible meta-model.

With Moose, simple classes can be created without writing any subroutines, and complex classes can be simplified. Moose's features include a powerful attribute declaration system, type constraints and coercions, method modifiers ("before", "after", and "around"), a role system (like mixins on steroids), and more. Moose also has a vibrant ecosystem of extensions as seen in the variety of MooseX:: modules on CPAN.

This course will cover Moose's core features, dip a toe into the meta-model, and explore some of the more powerful MooseX:: modules available on CPAN.

Students are expected to bring a laptop, as you will be writing code during the class. You will also be provided with a tarball a week or so before the class is scheduled, which will contain a directory tree skeleton and test files.

Attended by:


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